This site aims to provide book reviews on MySql and Microsoft SQL Server which contains SQL training and SQL tutorials such as SQL Insert, SQL select, SQL Query, SQL Join, SQL Date, SQL Delete, My SQL queries, Microsoft SQL Server Functions, T SQL, SQL Syntax, SQL Count, SQL Like, Transact SQL, SQL where, SQL in, SQL Loader, SQL Convert, SQL functions, SQL Command, SQL Statement, SQL Distinct, SQL Create Table, SQL Cursor, SQL Function, SQL Replace, SQL Between, SQL Server Stored Procedure, SQL Alter, SQL Navigator, SQL String, SQL Script, SQL trigger, SQL client, SQL Compare, SQL Server Date and SQL update statement, etc.

MySQL Cookbook (review only)

MySQL Cookbook is written by Paul DuBois . This book is good for MySQL Database Server Administration and is published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. MySQL Cookbook teaches you from the scratch about MySQL table manipulation, formating date values, string manipulation and import/export features in detail.
MySQL Cookbook
covers the following topics in detail
  1. Teaches you Data accessing methods from multiple tables and SQL statements for select, sort, summarize rows, etc
  2. Teaches you how to store and retrieve image from MySQL database for web applications
  3. Make you clear to copy tables between different servers and database creation according to time schedules, etc.
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MySQL Cookbook

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